Portsmouth and beyond...

By johnnyc1959


So...back home in Banepa and a view from my window at the handiwork of the electricity and communication companies of Nepal. The 'spaghetti on a stick' approach is pretty commonplace here, and sometimes you wonder how the system manages to carry electricity safely. It's not uncommon to see sparks flying from cabling in the street...

Nepal is almost entirely dependant upon hydro-electric power, and demand frequently outstrips supply. This results in a daily occurrence called 'load shedding' -an intentionally-engineered electrical power outage. Rolling blackouts are a last resort measure used by an electric utility company in order to avoid a total blackout of the power system. Everywhere in the country has a scheduled period of time without power, (usually around two hours a day, but sometimes longer). Mine's just finished for today...

Oh, and the slightly blurred effect of the pedestrians. I shot the image through the window and the mosquito netting... I quite like the slightly dreamlike effect...

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