a day in the life of Jack

By jacksmom726

Baby Robin

As Jack and I were getting ready to head out to the store today, he ran to the car in the driveway to "open my door like a gentleman" for me. (He always does this!!). He got to the car before me but stopped in his tracks.

"Mom! Come here quick!! There is a little bird on the ground!"

I came over and found this baby robin sitting on the edge of the driveway looking scared. He didn't move, didn't try to fly away.

"Is he okay Mom? Why won't he fly??"

I figured at first that he was just a baby, just out of his nest and maybe wasn't used to flying yet and was scared. I ran into the house, grabbed my camera and got this shot of him. Then all of a sudden a big gust of wind blew and he hopped off across the yard. I told Jack we should just let him be, and that he would be okay. We then left for the store.

When I came home a while later and looked at the photo on the computer, I realized that he had an injury next to his eye. Poor little thing, I felt so bad. I went outside to see if I could find him, but he was nowhere to be found.

I hope he ends up okay wherever he is.

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