Planko's Pics

By planko

Fringe madness

Needed to clear my head at lunchtime, so took an extended break and drove into Edinburgh to go see what all this fringe stuff is about.

Several blippers I know seem to frequent the high street at this time of year, and have posted up some very impressive street shots, so I thought I?d go and see if I could get anything half as good as their shots.

By the time I got there (2pm) I think most of the lunchtime action had disappeared, but this guy had just started and looked interesting. Tight Rope walking: how I feel at work sometimes (or is it broken glass/egg shells...)

He was very impressive doing his act. At one point I noticed the umbrella on the line, which he crouched down and picked up, opened and started prancing about on the line with. Sadly the shots I have at that point aren?t the best as some pesky tourists moved in front of me ;)


[Removed the corporate branding from the backdrop as not 100% sure about advertising rules on this site. Guess I should go and check.]

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