Serendipity Sylvia

By SerendipitySylv

Out of Sorts

Back blip. Normally I wouldn't talk about guests/customers but it's been a rather stinky week. I'm not good with bad smells.

One guest Mr P, we will call him, choose to smoke in one of our rooms and thought we were idiots and had no sense of smell. When confronted with it, the fire alarm sounding in the background, Mr P denied all knowledge until Darren brought the still smouldering fag that he chucked out the window up to his room. Glad he only stayed one night as I had to mop up more urine from the bathroom floor than must have gone in the fricken toilet.

Two guests stayed in the twin room working locally. The first morning I went into their room I was greeted by the most horrid smell that's ever came from a room in the 6 years we've been at the Inn. Wet dog, sour milk, dampness & athlete?s foot at its worst type of smell. It made my stomach physically wrench. The smell was still there 3 days later! Even after I disinfected every surface you could imagine. How his work colleague could stay in the room with him, without saying something, was a mystery to me. Maybe he did.

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