Compost Mentis

By megatonlove

Norfolk Reunited

After almost a month apart, we joined the children today at my sister-in-law's new home in Norfolk. They're both taller and browner and sound very English again. In a few months the English accents will fade into something indeterminate and European, to be refreshed the following summer. They have become linguistic chameleons, their accents a source of amusement to T and myself. Our third culture kids speak French and Dutch like natives too.

Here's the family tucking into fabulous Norfolk roast pork cooked by my sister-in-law. She hasn't eaten red meat in over a decade but has conjured one of the most memorable meals I've ever had. There was a very good Chinon to go with it too. The picture's fuzzy and underexposed but I like it because it captures the intimacy of our family at table.

Tomorrow we all head home with our booty of new English books, stocks of Marmite, Maldon sea salt and other English goodies, and for me, a small blizzard of Indian spices. The dog will be happy to have all her humans back.

Massive thanks to Gran and Guppy in Oxford, to T's sister Jaki and her husband Alan in Norfolk, and to my cousin Liana and her husband Ben in London, for the parenting break they gave us and the wonderful summer they gave the kids.

~ a backblip ~

Yesterday's wheelie bin serendipity.

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