Picture Consequences

By consequences

No news

"It's been nearly a week now," said Sarah, as Nick came into the kitchen.

Filling the kettle, Nick sighed. "I know, love. Still heard nothing. No sign of Adam, and no-one's contacted us about him. It's like he's just disappeared."

She shook her head. "And that girl Becky still claims she knew nothing about it? She does, Nick. She must. Why else would she have got rid of me?"

Nick took her hand. "Look, I know how pissed-off you are about it. But she's stuck to her story, and she's very plausible. There's not much else we could do really. And when you talk to her, it's much easier for everyone to believe she's part of a cock-up rather than a conspiracy."

As she started to protest, he held up his hands. Yes, he knew. And she knew that he knew. But, as he'd said more than once, right now they just had to wait and see.

"Anyway," she said, as if changing the subject. "Tell me again about your new friends. I'm still not sure I understand."

Part Three begins here.

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