Snack time

43 + 1

Today's been a busy but nice day. It started with Katie going back to bed for 2 hours tho, which I completely wasn't prepared for, and of course happened on a morning we'd made plans!

Mummy had a dentist appointment. At the moment, Katie is fascinated with looking at the details of the place she's in - pictures, objects allsorts get noticed, point at and questioned. 'Dat?' she asks. Well, today at the dentist, she didn't pick the huge wallsize image of london. Nope, today she was fascinated by a light. A normal boring desk lamp!

We met a friend for lunch and by total chance found somewhere with a nice little play area. So katie sat pulling things out of pretend cupboards, bashing plastic food together. After another hour's sleep, she woke up in time for her cousins to come play for a bit. I love it when they come, seeing how excited Katie is to see them is wonderful. Katie whizzed between them both and couldn't contain her excitement, she was literally bouncing.

This photo was taken as I got tea ready. Katie went to her changing bag and dug around for the bag of rice snacks. She sat against the wall, munching away, looking very content and rather grown up. Until she emptied the bits at the bottom of the packet over the carpet.

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