
By Chook

Ghosts in the system

Eventful night.
Called into work about midnight to see two patients.
After half-past three by the time I left.
Drove home.
Opened the front door to find all the hall cupboards flung wide open.
It is true that we're pretty messy, but...
I'm sure they weren't open when I left the house earlier.
J still in NZ.
Pretty uneasy feeling.
Not sure there wasn't someone in the house.
Got out of there and called the police.
They came, checked out the place.
All seemed in order.
No one in the house.
Nothing gone that I can see.
Just all the cupboard doors wide open and some things on the floor that I'm sure I haven't been walking past all week.
It'd be nice to think that they just were open all along and I was so tired I'd forgotten, but I can't convince myself that was the case.
Extremely bizarre.
Finally got to sleep at five am.
Back up at seven thirty.
Back to work.
Reasonably easy day, but very tired now.
J is back tonight.
Going to have a nap on the couch until then.

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