a day in the life of Jack

By jacksmom726

Young Love....

Whenever you are lonely
just look at the space
between your fingers
and remember that's
where my fingers fit

- unknown

We went on a walk at a local park with Jacks playgroup....the kids were on a scavenger hunt. They had to find acorns, leaves, flowers, and even a bug!

Jack is typically an incredibly shy little guy, but he tends to keep gravitating towards this little girl in the group. They were walking side by side, and I noticed that the little girl seemed to keep reaching her hand out to Jack subtly, but Jack didn't notice. She wanted to hold his hand as they walked.

I whispered in his ear that she wanted to hold hands and that he should stick his hand out for her. He casually lifted his hand up just a bit and she grabbed it.

I think this is probably one of my favorite pictures yet....so sweet and innocent, two friends walking hand in hand along the path.

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