
By mar

Crabbing in Brixham

After yesterday's busy day, we stuck local. Michael and Charlotte tried their hand at crabbing again while I sat in a cafe with a latter reading LOL!

As it was raining, I took my time but decided to go check on them after an hour or so. When I met up with them I asked how it was going. Michael's reply?

'Oh great. A seagull shit up my back, the squid I'm using as bait exploded on my hands, and it's been pouring in rain!'

Needless to say, I was in fits of laughter and still can't stop laughing about it!

But they forced me to try my hand at it. And what happened? Yup, I caught the biggest crab - only making Michael glare and me laugh harder!

Part 1 Holiday Photos

Part 2 Holiday Photos

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