Random Random

By andyuk1

More messing with my new lens!

Met up with Harri for a quick climb at Hodge Close Quarry this evening. First time me and Harri have climbed with each other for a couple of years I reckon!

I haven't climbed for a month, after a really intense spell of it. During this month off I've grown fat-and-weak. However, when I opened my rucksack at home before setting off and saw my climbing shoes inside, I actually started shaking with excitement. I had this massive rush of excitement. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that.

The climbing itself felt really strenuous. I could still do the moves but I had to really crank it out, so I did feel out of shape (which I am). Felt good to be on the rock again though.

Couldn't resist taking some snaps and this was taken after the climb. Harri dutifully posed for me and was very patient while I adjusted the flash, which took a while to get right in the low light.

I processed this jpeg slightly by just changing the white balance which was all wrong, plus upping the exposure a little. It come out quite nice - not quite as sharp as I would have liked (due to lowish shutter speed) but I think the composition is good and the clean background which also matches Harri's jumper really makes it.

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