secret garden

By freespiral


Getting the Sunday papers involves a 16 mile round trip to Wiseman's store, manned by Hazel. She didn't want to have her photo taken but put up with me faffing about! The papers come down from Cork at some ungodly hour in the morning and Hazel has to sort them all out, but she does so with good grace and humour. Wiseman's is an amazing shop - technically a hardware store it stocks just about everything from paint to magazines; fairy lights to worm tablets ; specialty farmer's jerseys (you would recognise them if you lived here) to wetsuits; screws to wheelbarrows! Everything is piled up in a labyrinth of rooms but she knows where everything is! An essential emporium and there aren't many left.

Good weather this morning and some amazing skies; good opportunity to mow and strim and hack back after our holiday.

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