what a day

By SusanJC

Bolton Abbey

On our way back home across the Pennines, we diverted to spend a few hours walking up the River Wharfe, another of Yorkshires great rivers (yesterday we walked by the Ure). At this point, there is Bolton Abbey, one of the collection that King Henry 8th destroyed but the ruins of which still stand and form a lovely sight. The grounds of the abbey and the area leading up river are very well-maintained with public access for several miles up river and it's a magnificent playground for all sorts of people. As we arrived, there were few about but by the time we got back to the Abbey there were lots of families out enjoying the scenery and the glorious weather.
We were obliged to patronise the kiosk selling Yorkshire ice cream (no hardship) and stood to watch people crossing the river by the stepping stones, which number about 60. One boy had decided that his dog would like to cross over with him but the dog thought otherwise, so we and many others were amused to see how he was going to get the dog back to the bank, with a person standing on each of the stones, waiting to cross. Only the dog fell in the river - and at that point it is not very deep, so no harm came to it.
I made use of the bridge because I find that the water flowing past the stones completely disorientates me and I can't keep my balance.
We are now contemplating investing in some new camera equipment, as our little digital that we have had for years, is now not giving us the clarity we want - but the choices are myriad and confusing.

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