Happy Daze

By Dazed

Accidental locking out shed sleep recovery plan

We stayed up at Mr Dazed's folks' last night. I retired at 1.30am and left Mr Dazed and his Dad chewing the fat over a bottle of whisky. I lay there half-listening to them blabbering to each other in the room below me when at 8am I woke and realised that Mr Dazed hadn't come to bed. I expected him to be asleep on the sofa (to protect me from snoring) but he wasn't there, and then I realised that his sister's King Charles Spaniel puppy was missing as well.

I opened the (locked) back door and went into the back garden to be greeted by a rapturous Lottie who lead me, Lassie style, to the shed in the far back right of the garden. There, swaddled in an assortment of random blankets I found my darling husband snoring away, still with his hat on. His Dad had accidentally locked him out before going to bed.

We decided that the best way to recover was to go to Holyrood Park with our nieces and fly a kite :-)

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