Libertine's Project 365

By __libertine__

Doll House

037 - October 19, 2007 - I walked from the doctor to Kita's house this morning, and this house is on the corner of one of the streets. There are some weird people that live in it.

EDIT: A lot of people are wondering about the people who live here. Over the summer we had a yard sale thing at Kita's house, and the guy who lives in that house, I'm assuming he's somewhere between the ages of 35 and 45, came over and was looking for dolls for "Mother". A while later that day, he brought his mother, an old crochety woman, to pick out what she wanted. She kept saying that all the dolls just weren't good enough, or not tall enough, or too expensive, blah blah blah, and ended up not buying anything. They left. A little while later, the man came back just to look around again, this time not for his mother. He didn't buy anything that time, either. And everytime I see him, he just gives me weird "I still live with my mother, and I RP with my 40 year old friends on the computer in the basement, naked" feeling. Ick.

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