No Drama Here

By Laffingnomi

I baked cakes today

24 delicious banana and chocolate chip muffins topped with milk chocolate and dredged with hundreds and thousands, silver balls and chocolate strands. Piled them up high on a glass cake stand and photographed away.
Then I inserted the memory card into the PC,looked at yesterday's ice-cream blip,today's cakes and thought 'sugar overload day 2' just at the same moment that the 7 year old Editor (think I should promote him to Chief now) pointed out that he thought the lilies would make the best blip for today. The lillies were bought for me by my husband last week and from bud to bloom have been beautiful. This is probably the last day they will be at their best and I couldn't help snapping them there you go...I baked cakes today but will share my blooms with you instead.

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