Manic MorFF's Pics

By manicmorff

Pretty Flamingo

...Cause paradise is where I'll be, Pretty Flamingo

Something that never ceases to amaze me about kids is that they can have drawers, cupboards, nay even rooms full of expensive toys and yet they will spend hours playing with the cheapest, most insignificant piece of tat you could think of. Yet, if you actually bought them it and said, "Here, I got you this great toy to play with!" They'd probably look at you as if you'd grown horns.

The boy's had hours of fun with this, since he got it a few weeks ago.
It's been walking, jumping and running everywhere, talking with alien voices and dying and miraculously coming back to life.

I've only had to untangle it about a hundred times.
Lucky I have a patience for puzzles...

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