In Brief, for once...

By JaxI

Another One Bites the Dust

Well, the curse of the plant killer strikes again.

This is the third real Christmas tree I have murdered. I thought it was going to be OK this time. I watered it as instructed and it made it past the June record that the other two made. But as we entered July, the needles started to go brown and, one by one, they fell.

RIP, pretty Christmas tree.

Yasu will once again decree "Never again!"

I will once again go a couple of years with fake trees, and then, unable to bear it, I may go for trying to get a cut one off the US base, but the having to saw it up in June (we don't get into the garden much in our house), will once again convince me to try the living tree thing, and then it will no doubt start all over again.

I'm doomed. I really only need to look at a plant and it withers at my very gaze.

This year, at least the gardener who has come to trim our trees has said he will cart it off for me, so we are spared the sawing experience.

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