
By diptych

more of softness

After yesterday's photo, I wanted to post something light today. Something that shows less of heartache and grime, and more of softness and beauty.

The walk from the car to my office is a beautiful one, and more often than not the smell of a freshly mowed grass fills the air. With the beautiful flowers, the cats lounging in the shade, the clean white walls, it couldn't be farther from what scorpionkiss and I see everyday in Mu'iz Street.

So today, I'm posting nothing more than a beautiful cat, its nose buried in the grass. I stopped and took several photos, much to the amusement of some students walking by, but blip teaches you not to care.

(And while I was at it, I created a diptych using this photo and a photo of a pigeon I had taken out of the window the other day)

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