meshy composhition

The ONLY thing I miss about my old camera was the potential to record little films, albeit with no control over the focus, a goodish delay after adjusting the focal length for the focus to catch up, horrible sound and horrible 640*480 video resolution with the result that I only used it two or three times but the point is that at least it was there for me to think about getting round to using one day. Still pictures are ace but I do like films and occasionally wish I had a means of recording the ideas best recorded by moving pictures.

I'd probably never get round to doing anything with them even if I had the equipment; there are a few tapes somewhere in a cupboard and a few sound files recorded on various portable telephones filled with hummed tune ideas which I've never got round to fleshing-out despite having sufficient things with which to do so. I will get round to them one day though they'll probably have to wait until the next large house-clearout as my amp is currently trapped in a nook behind the bed.

I don't know why this occurred to me today as I was thinking when wandering along a bit of the canal a bit further up how nice it is to occasionally chance upon a (still) view which (bar the television antennae) probably hasn't changed much in sixty or seventy years. Perhaps I've just been watching too many films recently. They do look very nice, though, especially when they've had the benefit of a cinematographer who evidently thinks in terms of stills.

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