Netters and co

By Netters

Age 4

Four years ago today I gave birth to our youngest child, our next youngest child was 10 , the oldest was 16 , we started all over again with Freya and I have been lucky enough to have the honour of staying at home and raising her, I havent had to send her to nursery at all, or a child minder, no one outside the family has ever cared for her, we have not been apart, I have loved every second, now in Sept this will come to an end with starting school.

Last night she didnt want to be four, she didnt want school or growth or time to pass, neither did I .

Today she presented herself to me at half seven when she got up and declared she had grown, she was four now ! suddenly today she feels grown up, we went out for dinner tonight and I popped her in her carseat, "Oh mummy I am four, too big for a baby seat" never has she complained before, besides, she is small she still fits in it !

Freya I will miss you being three, three rocked !

The bike she is riding was bought for her by her big sister !

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