occhi verdi

By occhiverdi


There are a thousand thousand reasons to live this life, every one of them sufficient.

- Marilynne Robinson's Gilead

I haven't been writing as much with my photos since I started making lists of what makes me happy every day. That kinda doesn't make me happy. Well, it does and it doesn't.
I just need to get my jumbled thoughts out sometimes. And this is where I dump them. It helps clear my head and get rid of the chaos.
Today has been wonderful though:
- I got my reading finished for Biochem and I'm all caught up!
- I finally finished the last 10 pages or so of Four Seasons in Rome. Sometimes I get stuck at the very end of books and don't ever end up finishing them even though I love them.
- Took an hour long hot bath after class this morning. I needed it.
- I went to lunch by myself. I have kind of missed doing that since I used to eat alone at restaurants all the time when I was working all over Oregon.
- Fred's seriously served up the best blue cheese burger I've ever had today. OH. And I drank a coke. A real coke. I can't even remember the last time I had a coke. It was ridiculously refreshing.

There, I squeezed in my five things. My apartment is a wreck. How does this happen??
Looking forward to tomorrow... and the weekend. And sleeping in on Saturday. And working out on Saturday afternoon with BJ.. and going out on Saturday night in Dallas.
Things are good.

Hmm.. I had meant to talk about time.. but I forgot about what I was going to write. C'est la vie.

"Only in Italy would the chocolate from an egg containing two red plastic robots taste good enough to make you want to cry."

- Anthony Doerr, Four Seasons in Rome

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