With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Focus kitchen

Some years ago, I would have felt different in this position, because I would have had the boiler warming my back, but it's still one of the best places to be. You can tell what is going on in most parts of the house. I don't know whether you'll be able to see the light hitting the dust particles rising around Agu on the stairs. He was making a meal out of going to fetch something for me. He didn't get there. Sam was upstairs sorting stuff and Ben was soaking his injured foot before the plaster was applied. Mum and I were having a good chat over tea.

I missed a shot later on as Sam waved goodbye, off home before returning to Aberdeen and Uni. The floodlight hit his cheerful face as he turned while walking down the garden path and the boys and mum waving. One of those internal photos to keep. I'm glad I got this, though Mrs P may voice another opinion.

Have a great wekend everyone. We're off to see Picasso with mv and AKHF tomorrow, so maybe back to Liverpool shots. Stay focused.

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