Project Oranjer

By oranjer

Sword and Helmet

We were at the Bruce Festival in Dunfermline today. This is the third year we've been there and unfortunately it wasn't nearly so good (in my opinion). Normally they have entertainment provided by the Red Crow group and they have jousting. Not the kid-on stuff that's shown at Linlithgow every year, these guys are wearing £30,000 worth of armour each and are breaking wooden lances on each other at every effort. This time however, no Red Crow and no jousting. Some other battle re-enactment stuff that was informative and entertaining but not the jousting I was hoping to see. I hope the jousting is back next year...

For anyone interested, here's some photos from last year. This one shows the lances breaking. I wanted another go at taking more, better, pictures of this event!

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