Mdme Shootsalot

By mdmeshootsalot

Hollywood Boulevard

So, now I'm home and doing a bit of back blipping. I had intended to stay faithful to the idea of only using iPhone blips as that is how I had been keeping up. However, having uploaded all my photos (and apparently, in two weeks, I took 1500 of them!!), I loved this one so much, I wanted to share it.

We had spent the day admiring the stars on Hollywood Boulevard and then taking the de facto tour of the Stars' houses. I'm pretty sure this means you are shafted a whole load of cash to see random people's houses as once, a long time ago, a celeb may have lived there. Great fun though.

By the end though, we were hot, hot, hot so you can imagine how happy the children were to find these fountains in the mall next to the Kodak cinema to cool off, and this one of Ava really sums it up. She had a bigger grin seeing the house Michael Jackson died in, but that's a whole other story...

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