
By FauxPunk

Happy Holidays

OK - pee'd off now that my internet connection went down after I'd typed up the blip, but didn't save it.... grrrrrr!

This is what it's meant to be all about eh? But I've just realised this will be my 75th blip - there's some rubbish pointless ones in there, a few cracking ones I'm really proud of, and the rest I like to hope are at least half decent. Yet not one of them has been printed. And this I find bizarre, because I love the look and feel of printed photographs. Looking on a screen will never replace flicking through them - it's the photo equivalent of my book vs ebook thing. And I've only just realised that I think of photos as printed, and pics as on-screen.

Anyway, this particular lot is from our first proper holiday together. September 2006, Miami, LA, & NYC. It seemed a great idea at the time, and it was an ace holiday, but looking back, crossing the entire width of the USA twice in 10 days was not our brightest idea. Still an awesome time though, and we can't wait to go back, but next time we'll probably stick to one coast or the other - most likely San Fran, LA & Vegas :-D

Can't wait for our next holiday - 2 weeks of Zante sun, and only have to wait 4 weeks for it to arrive. woop woop!

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