Art Miller

By artmiller


What a homecoming!

Our daughter has been in Thailand for a month. With all the recent unrest in Bangkok we were, of course, concerned for her safety. But she was OK, travelling all over the exotic country, teaching in schools, riding elephants, jumping in and out of waterfalls, rescuing cockroaches who were on their backs and couldn`t right themselves, riding crocodile rapids and freaking out at a Full Moon Party!

We had arranged to pick her up from Heathrow. What she didn`t know was that we had decided to take our three-year-old grandson, Dylan with us. He and Auntie Lil have a special bond -- and we knew she was missing him.

He was so excited -- as high as a kite by the time we got to the airport, but still well-behaved. It was way past his bedtime!

We all had Union Jacks to wave at the Arrivals hall. Heathrow was heaving which added to the atmosphere. Suddenly there was our daughter! We all rushed to her, flags waving. I videoed it on my Fuji HS10 as he leapt into her arms and she cried with joy.

I backed up quickly as they came towards me and fired off a flash shot. The trouble with bloody cameras is that they fail to perform at the most crucial moments. The shot of Lil clutching Dylan tightly in her arms, a huge smile on her tear-stained face came out blurred as the auto-focus wasn`t fast enough. Damn!

So we had to stage a posed shot. But you can still see how happy everyone was.

We put Dylan in his pyjamas thinking he`d sleep on the way home and just be carried to his bed. Oh, no! He giggled and chatted all the way home. But upon arrival he scampered upstairs and jumped into bed himself. Proof, if it were needed, that he is The Best Boy in the World.

PS:This is actually a backBlip to yesterday and had forgotten I`d already posted -- so have had to take a snap of the photo on the PC. Sorry. Hope you can still see all those smiling faces.


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