...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn


Peeling back the layers, you find out THINGS!

Why people act the way they do, what color was on the previous trim, the taste of a ripe tangerine.

Peeling back the layers, you find out THINGS!

Motives, agendas, secrets, lies!

Peeling back the layers, you find out THINGS!

A seemingly clean hotel room has bedbugs, an onion with a rotten center, a new car that turns out to be a lemon.

Peeling back the layers, you find out THINGS!

Things you didn't want to know...things you needed to know...THINGS!!!

Layers upon layers, we build our lives...we wrestle with our thoughts, we cover up the hurt...we expose our layers when it is safe...we move forward...we smile and say it is OK...we cry in secret, and sometimes in public...we build layers, we shed layers...we live and we learn THINGS...we are people of layers, some good, some not so good. I am peeling right now...but it is good, I am learning THINGS about myself!

Just Layers!

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