Project Oranjer

By oranjer

Party Time!

100 blips. At last.

I wasn't sure when I started this that I'd keep it going. But I have. I've learned to think more about my photography and there's been some definite improvements on the technical side. There's still an awful lot of work to do and even more on the creative side! Will the next 100 blips help? Probably, but I'm not sure they'll be consecutive...

Far too many times I've come home from a busy day at work and worried about what I was going to take a picture of. It distracted me from just playing with my six-year-old and relaxing into my evening. I'm not going to do that any more. As a result, the blips might be easier - and The Boy may grace these pages more often! But if I miss a few days, that's OK too. I'll still be stressing over the weekend blip-challenge though - that should ensure there's at least a picture a week!

Oh - and I'll be ordering a new camera this evening too!

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