All Smiles! :D

By Smiley

Hawaiin Gingerbred ladies

over the past few days we've been doing this thing where each night a different person cooks the evening meal and the others have to score it at the end of the night. then, on the last night, the sorces would be added up and the winners annouced.

tonight was the last night and it was my turn to cook. i got half the recipes of the internet, and i wasnt sure how well i'd done because i did something none of us had had before (chicken in a soy sauce and pinapple sauce with rice and ham and pinapple kebabs) so it could have been really minging! for pudding i did gingerbred girls (slightly less exoctic) and gave them icing grass skirts and flower things with a coconut milkshake! As you might of noticed it was hawaiin themed, i even made little flower neckless thingys!
but it must have gone well because i won! the prize was £5 and i get to choose a resteraunt (or a take-a-way) for us all to go to some time soon!

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