Snippets of Life

By betho

Nose Lick

Day 2 of our 2 day camping trip.

This dog was bopping about all day, he, or she i think, it's tag said poppy... it belonged to one of the ladies who was operating the lock and spent the day chasing smells, which took it into our tent at one point, much to Melika's consternation, so i had to go rescue the tent and tried to befriend the dog.

It didn't much like having it's photo taken, moved out of the shot almost every time except this one, when it got it's tongue out when i wasn't looking.... i actually didn't realise till the photo was taken!

It was a glorious morning too, I got up early and went for an hour long walk and came back to find everyone still sleeping!

It seemed a shame to come home so soon, I could have done with a night or two more 'away from it all'.

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