Arctic-Mummy's Journal

By arcticmummy

Misty Morn

It was very autumnal as the sun rose this morning. I really could have done with my gloves when out with the hounds. I hadn't wanted to get up (I was busy despatching labels at work until 1.00am this morning), but was very glad I did. It was a beautiful misty start to the day.

Slowly getting things under control in the office - I must have spent too much time holidaying (although I am sure the kids would disagree!). But realised when I tried the central locking this evening that I must have had a senior moment this morning (seem to be getting more of these .. haha) As I had left the lights on .... only for the best part of 11 hours and the battery was as dead as a dodo! Good old Pops came to the rescue and jump started me! The car and I are both on heavy duty charging overnight ready for another full on day tomorrow!

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