Looking up

Things are. We're planning a little romantic, weekend getaway to the shores of The Big, Cold, Blue One. This will be the first time we've taken a trip together since our now departed doggie fell ill. To take care of now-queen-of-the-realm, we've hired the cat whisperer-her name for herself-a woman who is the only person other than us who can pet our slightly wacko, borderline feral cat without getting shredded.

Down the street at the Urban Garden Project, the small field of giant sunflowers are magnificent, towering far over my five foot three and a half, and even Mr. F's six foot three.

The air tonight is so clean and crisp you can....you can...well I'm just going to breath it in as deeply as I can, flushing out all the particles of canned air stuck way down at the bottom of my lungs.

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