
By craftynini

'Don't Knock It 'Til You've Tried It'

Granny Arran (AKA - my mum) is on her way.
ETA - 10.55am.....

I have been on a cleaning frenzy all morning and though I would blow the trumpet of 'Zoflora'.

I've been scared of Zoflora for years, as it was something that I associated with kitchen cupboards, derelict old houses, soggy boxes and slaters.

...Harry our pungent dog went to auntie Jackie's for a wee holiday and vomited AND did diarrhea on the back seat of her car!!! Don't worry she said., I've cleaned it with Zoflora and the smells gone!!!

So I bought some and it does. It works. It smells great. Trust me. If you have a smelly dog, cat, toddler, 8 year old and husband, buy Zoflora and live in a smell free home again!

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