Fetish & Frau-lix

By frau-lix

the local pub

no time for a blip today, so took this from the car window while at a stop light on my way out for a meeting.

exciting things that are happening (or have recently happened): adam is going to teach a celebrity photographer tennis in exchange for photography lessons. i plan to piggy back on his new knowledge bank everyday (he doesn't know this yet). soon i will have more spare time and plan to also nest over at bluesheep's house (everyone else does) and really learn how to use photoshop (he doesn't know this yet either).

i am meeting some friends of helen's this weekend. one of them apparently is as enthusiastic about photography as i am. it will be nice to have another local to share this passion with and i'm very excited.

went to dinner last week with some friends from out of town and sat next to brooke burke in the restaurant. I politely introduced myself and my two friends. I can't really say much about her other than she just has a very simple beauty. (just so there is no confusion, i still think helen's the most beautiful girl ever!)

california seems to be getting control of the fires. i think soon we will be done fighting fires and will begin rebuilding everything...

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