Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo

On the sidelines

Daniel had a football cup this afternoon/evening. They played well but lost....Here Daniel is on the sidelines watching his teammates.

I have tried to convert this to a straight black and white, which I find much more difficult. The brown tones come so much easier to me. However, it is nice to have a bit of time today to actually sit here and work on a photo a bit. Lovely Fridays :)

Since I have started my new job, I am having a terrible time keeping up with my Blip. Im not sure what to do about it. I dont want my photography to become just a stress and yet I really do want to keep up the photo a day, at least out the year. Until now it has given me so much....Ive learned so much from working consistently with my camera and from you all out here in Blipland :) I am trying to think of possible solutions ....iphone portriairts for example or more "everyday" type photos that can be more easily incorperated into my day. We'll see.

But it is weekend now....and a sunny one at that :) Should be lots of time for photos!

Enjoy your days!

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