Conversations With Time

By wdd

The Day the Earth Shook

The Monkey party must go on..
Major earthquake at 4.30am this morn, 7.1 on richter scale.. The wee boy was making monkey noises from then on, oblivious to the fear that was gripping hs parents..
Plans changed, and those that could make it safely, came over,
This is the most surreal day I've ever lived through.
No power, or phone till 4.30 pmish, our phone is a portable, so gts charged with an electric power point... no power, no phone, cell died..
So there we are having a party of sorts, enjoying/escaing into the facade of normality, when less then 800mtrs away the shop has no wall, 5 blocks away, much of the city is devastated.. and there we are, untouched, .. bizzare.

We will NEVER forget Bruno's 5th Birthday party.. The cake was a big hit, and man, were the 3 cups of sugar, 1 cup cocoa and 250gm butter needed!

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