pictures wot i took

By antlersandall

Tiny things that cheer me

These are two - but they're getting bigger all the time!

I am lurgified. Took to my bed when TPD got in from school at 5.30 yesterday (yes, he's started, yes he still loves it!). I have been up and dressed today, but he told me I looked awful and sent me back to bed. They've gone to the beach with a bunch of friends, leaving me with a few other things that cheer me - am lounging on the sofa under Son One's biggest, fluffiest blanket with a steaming bowl of soup, the puzzle section of the paper and trashy television (Come Dine With Me Down Under anyone?!). Suspect I shall be back to bed soon though.


Longest ever time without blipping! Backblips will follow.. Have taken pictures every day, but there doesn't seem to have been enough hours in the day to upload them, never mind write any blurb, look at other peoples' or comment!! Hopefully once the big two are at school next week I shall get back into the swing of things.

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