
Fathers day, a bit of a lie in, spent checking twitter, Facebook and news sites mostly, to see how the earthquake was panning out at home. We tossed up whether to head back or not, there is a risk of another larger aftershock, but of course decided to head back.

A quick clean, down to the Alpine Springs pools for a soak for an hour or so, and then on the road.

Absolutely no inkling of any damage until right in the city. Halswell presented a few effects of liquefaction (bloody interesting) and then home. No damage at all, except for a broken wine glass and few things fallen off shelves. Amazing, given that around 800 homes are toast and 120 buildings are badly damaged.

I was keen to see the office so I cruised in with Rob and Karl. We're all mostly intact, but certainly some damage. It has an initial clearance, but at 8am tomorrow we're meeting the engineer again. To be honest, I was a little surprised, I think it could go either way, but what do I know, I am not an engineer!

Then being nosey we looked around other parts of Christchurch, specifically Columbo St in Sydenham. A lot of damage there.

Overall I'd have to say much less damage (on this side of town) than I expected. Most buildings are OK, it's just the old ones, and brick ones, and chimneys that have mostly suffered. Although, I understand on the other side of the town the story is different.

Then off to the pub for several beers to discuss the situation (therapy you know), home, more tidying and preparing if another ones strikes, and bed.

We'll find out the office fate tomorrow. We've got plans either way.

Images (clockwise) - building to our left, brickfall from above our kitchen, ceiling fall, a neighbouring building; Energy action (which looks very bad to me!), ceiling fall close

Edit: I have to say I knew there were aftershocks, so many tho, despite being small. Here's a list of them, but I reckon there are way more!

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