Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff

The Last Munro

Not mine unfortunately, but only 99 to go.
It was my mate Trish's and up we went en masse, family, neighbours, kids, club members and dugs to climb The Saddle in Glen Shiel. Most elected to do the Forcan Ridge (top left on the shot) which is a marvellous scramble before topping out on lovely sunshine. Champagne was drunk and cakes eaten before we got down the hill to go for a rather nice meal. Altogether a great day, a few beers with mates and a night in the wee tent. I'm not after much, just the wherewithal to do this more often without work getting in the way. Won't be long before I can take Callum on these expeditions; that I am looking forward to.

How many hillwalkers recognised it from the thumbnail?

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