Wendy's World

By Wendles56


We were running round Lincoln today. It's a lovely place with the cathedral on the top of the hill. Our course was very long, quite steep in places and very tricky in others. Running through the park we had to find a control in a maze. So what was in my head as I ran towards it? The aim of a maze is to get to the centre, isn't it? So I navigated to the centre, found a control, but it wasn't mine! My control was on an outer edge! Wasted time! Then I got lost in the fiendish cellars of the Bishop's Palace - more wasted time! Great fun though!
Apologies for the slant on this blip which had to be taken through a garret window of the very olde worlde coffee shop we had an exorbitant sandwich in before heading home.

Better in large!

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