Lost in Time...

By linkbekka

"Ladies and gentlemen:George Harrison has lef

"Ladies and gentlemen:George Harrison has left the building..."

I popped into Henley-on-Thames and thought I`d pay old George a visit. I rang this door bell at the gatehouse to Friar Park. A voice came over the intercom: Sorry, mate. George is dead. Smoked himself to death.

I came away feeling very sad. George was an intelligent sensitive creative guy. Why, oh, why did he go on smoking when he knew it would eventually kill him? He deprived himself of ten or twenty years of life -- and we lost one of our heros, a great artist, a man of the Earth. And all that later music he never got to write and we never got to hear.

I`d looked through his gates and saw the garden he loved. Bye, George... Your plants are still growing but none of this will be the same without you and John...

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