Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

Little Nut Brown Hare

daddy claims mummy hates shopping,
correction, mummy hates shopping .. with daddy,
On her own, mummy likes shopping,
this morning we went into town, because I was grumpy,
We like to walk round looking at pretty things,
In TK Maxx mummy suddenly grinned, grabbed something up,
and was off to the lady before I knew what was happening,
Puzzled I watched her carefully,
Knowing she was up to something,
Suddenly...Oh My Little Nutbrown hare was real,
Arms reaching up, I snatched him down,
for a huge cuddle, Little nut brown hare is my second fav,
next to minnie mouse,
but there is not much nut brown hare things,
So Mummy finding this was amazing,
She says its a hand puppet,
I don't care, its snuggly and all mine,
She knows daddy won't mind her spending on this for me,
Because he normally moans I have enough,
so shhhh don't tell him about the other new toy,
Mummy has brought me, but that's tomorrows blip!

How Little Nut Brown Hare came into my life!!

Nearly nut brown hare blips!

huge snuggle


Under going lick test!

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