Jim- Happy Again!

By dougiebuster

Early Morning Contrast.

Woke up too early.
Needed a long lie, but no chance of getting back to sleep.
So I decided to go for a bike ride so that I would not wake Liz up - I did not put the heating on (boiler needing to be fixed - V noisy ), and no shower - pump is quite noisy too.

Took one of the Greedale type roads and met a flock of sheep.
I started ringing my bell ( Yes I have a bell ! ) and they took off along this single track road.
They ran into a field, and I closed the gate.
Great!...... If that was the field they had escaped from!
I thought that this would be better then having them running on the road.
A bit along the road I saw a quad bike approaching, and I flagged it down. It was the farmer / owner of the wandering flock. Told him the story and he shot off with his collie to check them out.
He met me again on his return and said that they were in the right place.
Good deed done for the day.

Back home and Liz was up and we had a late boiled egg breakfast - Yum.

Hope you are all enjoying your weekends too!


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