pictures wot i took

By antlersandall

Special request

Last week, when we were up staying with my ma and pa, we visited the Heights of Abraham. Fabulous day out. I had to keep my nerves in check (terrified of heights, but couldn't let on and pass my fear to the boys), and got to the top on the cable car without losing the plot completely. Had a bit of a wobble when we stopped in mid air 'to take photographs'. To sit and go wibble more like :-/ Son One LOVED it though, and proudly declared it "my trip of a LIFETIME!!"

We also took a tour of the old mine. I'm very glad mum decided she didn't want to go, because I'd been all set to take Son Two strapped to me in the carrier, and when she wimped out sensibly declined, I left him with her. One or other of us would have been concussed by the end of the tour I'm sure - those miners don't believe in high ceilings! - so I'm glad I did.

Anyways - Son One was so uber impressed he sat down and drew this. He's not one for art much, preferring to blow things up carry out science experiments with Daddy, or bury his nose in a book. He just drew it completely from memory, and take it from me, it's pretty accurate. You can see the sets of cars, the cables and stansions, and there's a miner and some tunnels there too. The blue at the bottom is the River Derwent.

He was taking it into school to show today, so I photographed it before it went in case he forgets to bring it home! He asked me to blip it, and what can I say? Indulgent Mummy is happy to oblige :-) I'm also at his request emailing it to the folks as a thank you for a lovely day.

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