Pixel Smiths

By pixelsmiths

The Decision

The day started with an enormous quake, actually only 5.1 but centred within several KMs of the city. Very freaky and scary.

As a result, all previously inspected buildings were off limits, ours included. But honestly, it didn't look good. More collapse on the west wall and big crack on the east, despite our main structure being OK. We were told not to enter. But we did. We rescued all the remaining boxes (machines).

Then I met with old landlord, new landlord, leasing agent, ISP, hosting company; and looked for solutions. I found several.

1. Upgrade our backup software and generate daily "images" of our 5 servers
2. Pump these down the fibre connection to an offsite backup (around 800GB)
3. This however required the development of a new server and local connection for the initial backup, which I did late afternoon

Actually, that's just detail. We basically decided to move office today, long long story and I am too tired to explain. You'll understand if you've followed this blip.

We're looking at 2 properties tomorrow, and also have the option of moving back in to our old premises.

We've had some, awesome support from our hosting and ISP partners. We'll move tomorrow hopefully. What an absolute bugger.

Very tired and probably a bit pissed off. But man, that's beaten by many people who are emotionally strung and affected by the whole situation. Think you can cope with a big earthquake? No you can't - believe me.

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