
By RMurang


Got an assignment today to shoot a game of Mukna, indigenous sport of Manipur.

The game is played between two players. There are also tournaments where the player who beats all the other players becomes the Champion. The costume of the game is the bare body wearing a 'Khudei' traditionally or a half pant nowadays with a waist belt made of strong cotton cloth called the khudei. The belt is anchored in between the thighs by looping a strand of the same cloth. No shoes are worn. Game is played on grass. Two or more referies are involved. The players are allowed to hold the waist belt of his opponent by both hands and pull in pull out or throw down the opponent on his back. The one who falls on the ground on his back becomes the loser.

Typically, the game falls on the category of wrestling and Judo, however the intricate tackling of the feet and legs along with the massive pulling in or pulling out by the strong arms holding each other's waist belt, is highly complex. Strong physique, good stamina and endurance along with advanced skills of the game are the hallmark of good Mukna player. The irony of the game is that the player who is throwing down his opponent could become the loser by falling on the ground himself on his back!

This is where I am shooting a sequence of the climax on continous high speed at the wide end of the lens when suddenly both players came flying straight towards me and my camera. I jumped backwards still triggering the shutter!

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