Around the Block

By Barrioboy


This is Marc sitting on our sofa before going out to dinner together tonight. He is one of my MBA blood brothers from the promotion of '93! We were not only classmates but group-mates and with that comes a lot of shared experience and mutual help, not to mention scars! It's now nearly 20 years since we started our full time 2 year course in 1991 here in Barcelona, but we still enjoy our dinners together when we can.

There is not a lot technically to commend this shot (there was even one with the same comp and nearly everything in crystal clear focus) but despite the camera being at the limit of its light level without flash, the shake, and me having set the WB to 'flourescent' instead of 'tungsten', I just liked the feel of this one.

ISO was 1600 or H0.3...not sure why not showng in camera data, maybe if the latter, that's why!

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