Between You And Me

By betweenyouandme

If Looks Could Chill

Another day of aqua aerobics. It looks inviting doesn't it? It's as cold as a glass of ice water. I've resorted to searching for one of those thermal swim shirts. (Yes, I know it sounds ridiculous. Specially when you consider what part of the world I am at. What can I say? I just hate cold water.) Anyway, back to that thermal thingymajiggy...It was so freaking tight. I started to get clausterphobic. Then I thought, what if I can't get it off? Do I call TLG to help peal it off. What if I have a heart attack in the process? Is this what it's like wearing one of those kinky latex outfits? Dear god, my arm's stuck...It went on and on. By the time I managed to get it off, I was sweating buckets and exhausted. End of story:
It was another cold morning. (Damn, shouldn't have bothered shaving my legs).

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