
By craftynini

'Strange Little Babies'

This is a very strange little felt baby that I bought for Joseph at a craft sale. Joseph almost wept when he saw it and I had to buy it for him. He sleeps with it in his jimjam pocket!

I had to pretty much bribe him to let me take this picture, as every time I said "can I take a picture of you and 'little baby'", Joe got angry and told me I couldn't take 'little baby'... Not that I would ever in a month of sundays want to steal him!!!

He let me take the picture for an extra 2 rich tea biscuits.

Talking of babies - we went in to town today to find a birthday pressie for number one daughter and every time Joseph heard or saw another baby he said rather loudly and forcefully (while making a stop signal with his hand) "No babies, go away babies". Very embarassing indeed.

Is he becoming sick of his own kind?

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